Yr 10 Drama

Course Description

You will learn to:

  • Devising drama using your own ideas. 
  • Put yourself in the 'shoes' of another person
  • Identify what  makes 'good drama'
  • Reflect on effectiveness of performance
  • Accept and apply feedback
  • Work cooperatively with your peers
  • Be a good audience member.
  • Understand and make use of  Drama vocabulary
  • In Year 10 Drama is both an introduction to and a continuation of performance aspects  explored in Year 9. 
  •  The first half of the semester will involve creating performance pieces  through the use of drama elements, conventions and techniques, while the second half of the semester will be working on a range of performance contexts such as stage fight choreography, Special Effects make-up design, Scriptwriting,  Circus skills and Magic performance.    

Recommended Prior Learning

Open entry




For senior courses, standards listed are indicative only and are subject to change.