Pakuranga College Pakuranga College

Level 3 General Mathematics

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Miss N. Hampton.

Recommended Prior Learning

Open entry

Ideally students will have completed either 12MTG, 12MTS or 12MTC in year 12.

Are you able to do maths but find algebra a little confusing? Do understand graphs but don't like writing those big long statistics reports? Do you need mathematics for your future? Then this is the course for you!

In 13MTG you will experience and learn a variety of mathematical and statistical concepts such as:

- explore the skills used in project management and scheduling.

- explore the relationships between types of data and find correlations.

- develop an understanding of how to use samples and resamples to make conclusions about the population.

- work in the 3D coordinate system looking at different types of planar models.

- explore how cones interact with planes to create conic sections.

- engage with linear graphs, looking at how they intersect to find optimal solutions.

Learning Areas:




For senior courses, standards listed are indicative only and are subject to change.