Pakuranga College Pakuranga College

Level 2 Mathematics with Algebra

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Dr D. Hofman.

Recommended Prior Learning

This course recommends students to have demonstrated strong algebraic and graphical skills in Year 11 and have specifically achieved well in the MCAT assessment.

You will learn to:

  • extend your thinking algebraically in a number of different ways, from graphs, to equations, and even including a dash of geometry -   there is a lot of algebra in this course, so be prepared for it
  • introduce yourself to the fascinating world of what calculus is all about - the maths of motion
  • develop further understanding of more complicated trigonometric terms in a real-life context, no longer is it just SOHCAHTOA

Learning Areas:



Level 3 Mathematics with Calculus



For senior courses, standards listed are indicative only and are subject to change.